Amateur Radio Station:   SP7DYN Locator JO91PW

GPS: 51°58’9.11″ N  19°16’58.13″ E

Radio Components – Surplus

Radiocommunications Test Equipment & Components

SP7DYN story

SP7DYN story

From an early age, I was interested in radio engineering and electronics.
I am an radio amateur, designer of radio equipment, with many years of professional experience.
After passing the state examination in 1975, I received my ham radio license and the call sign SP7DYN
During 46 years of design work, I have completed many designs of TRX devices, measuring devices and many others.
I am still an active designer of radio equipment, especially microwave devices.
Thanks For visiting my website & 73!

GPS: 51°58’9.11″ N  19°16’58.13″ E